'딸기'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2012.05.05 딸기의 상징
딸기의 상징 / 책갈피
posted by 얄롱얄롱 2012. 5. 5. 15:25


Symbol of purity and sensuality, fertility and abundance, humility and modesty. The strawberry's fruit is made the symbol of perfect goodness because of its delicious flavor and fragrance. Strawberries have been associated with goodness and purity in Christian history. The strawberry was once believed to be a holy symbol of the Virgin Mary. In paintings of Mary, many artists used strawberries in the detail of the picture or as border.

Strawberries also symbolize love, happiness, and success. The shape of a strawberry is usually in the shape of a heart, giving it it's love symbol. Also, green means eternal, or eternity, so sometimes a strawberry can mean eternal love, happiness, or success.
